We are here to help both individuals and families navigate the complicated world of Atlanta child custody modifications. We are devoted to being your trusted advocates and you can rest assured knowing that we will fight for your interests and the interests of your children each and every step of the way.
When it comes to your family, there is a lot on the line. Child custody modifications can be emotional and stressful, but you don’t have to face it on your own. The unfortunate truth is that one mistake can cause unnecessary heartache and years of lost time which is why it is so important to work with an experienced lawyer who has handled these types of cases in the past.
We’ve seen firsthand just how high the stakes are, and we know they can be even higher for some. This is why we have a special focus on helping fathers who are facing uncertain and often unfair situations. While we can, and do, provide exceptional service to all of our clients, regardless of their parental or marital status, we know that oftentimes fathers can face even higher adversity when entering family courts. In order to get a favorable outcome in their case, particularly when it comes to child custody modifications, fathers require an attorney who is uniquely experienced as well as passionate about protecting their rights.
The hard truth is the whole process of filing a child support modification, going to court, facing a judge, and arguing your case is draining and time-consuming. You are already dealing with one of the most stressful periods of your life, teaching yourself child custody law on top of that is just too much. Attorney Judith Montgomery and the law firm of Atlanta Family and Immigration Law is here to help you navigate this trying time, and give you peace of mind as well as the best outcome possible.
The fact of the matter is, if you are searching for an Atlanta Child Custody Modifications Lawyer, chances are you are already dealing with an extremely stressful situation. Whether that means you are facing an unfair child custody agreement or yours or the other parent’s situation has changed, you need an experienced lawyer on your side. We’re here to help.
We have the years of experience necessary to understand what you are going through and we will work diligently with you each and every step of the way to fight for your rights and the best interests of your child.
An experienced child custody modifications lawyer can help no matter what stage of the process you find yourself in. Whether you are just beginning to realize that the current custody arrangement is no longer working, or you have already had the tough conversation with the other parent and you are now in the process of sorting out the details - we’re here to help.
You don’t have to go through this process on your own. We are here to advocate for the rights and best interests of you and your children. From day one all the way until everything is finalized, we’ll be on your team.

In order to modify a court-ordered custody agreement (or to make a modification to a schedule where one parent doesn’t agree with the changes) you will need to handle the situation in court. As the first step in this process, you will need to file a legal petition or child custody modification. Technically, you are allowed to do this on your own, but since the process is highly nuanced, in order to have the best chance at a favorable outcome, you should make sure to have an experienced child custody modifications lawyer on your side.
Once the court has made a decision in a custody case, it becomes effective immediately. In order for the custody order to be changed, there needs to be a material change in circumstance. This means that something has to have changed in the child’s situation that impacts their best interests.
In order for a custody change to be granted there needs to be a significant change in circumstance that impacts the child or children in question. As with all custody decisions, the primary factor in the judge’s decision will be whether the change will be in the best interests of the child. Some potential grounds for child custody modification include the physical or mental health of the parent or child, domestic violence, an unsafe living situation for the child, or if a parent is moving a far distance away.
If you are looking to change a current child custody agreement through the court, you will need to file a child custody modification or petition in order to change the existing order. Once the modification has been filed, both you and the other parent will need to attend a new custody hearing in order to present the case to the judge who will then make the determination whether or not to grant the modification.
Atlanta Family & Immigration Law. All rights reserved.
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