Divorce is more than a complicated legal process. It can also be an emotional ordeal when you have to itemize and divide the remnants of your married life while preparing mentally and financially for the future. So if you feel lost, sad, or intimidated afterward, it’s entirely normal. With proper and consistent self-care, you will get past your divorce and move on to a bright and promising future.
Below is a list of ways you can give yourself some extra TLC in the wake of a divorce. If you’re inclined to try and “tough things out,” remind yourself that you are worth it.
When people are under stress, they have a tendency to overlook their most important needs, which are regular exercise, a healthy and balanced diet, and enough sleep. When your body feels well, your mind and emotions follow suit, so focus on keeping it healthy. Go for regular walks, limit your fast food consumption to the occasional treat, and get to bed at a decent hour. You’ll be glad you did.
You don’t want to spend your newly found free time dwelling on the past. Instead, treat this time as an opportunity to try new things you would never have considered exploring while married. Revisit old hobbies you gave up after saying “I do,” look into starting or finishing a degree, or seek professional development opportunities that could lead to a new career. When you have interests and goals, transitioning into your new life will be easier.
One effective way of taking care of yourself after divorce is to strengthen your role as a parent. Make the most of your time with them by attending their school events, taking them shopping or to the movies, or simply enjoying a family night at home. When you are there for your children, both sides reap the rich and loving rewards.
Of course, it takes cooperation from your ex to make this happen. If you find the other parent is not abiding by the court order, contact us to see if it is time to file a contempt action. Call us at (678) 679-6415 to determine if that is the best option.
No one should deal with the aftermath of divorce by themselves. Reach out to family members and good friends who are good listeners and have always understood you. These are the people who know how to make you laugh and are able to say the right things when you’re feeling low. Chances are that some of them have been through divorces of their own and can show you how to weather the storm with integrity, dignity, and optimism.
If you’re finding it difficult to rebound after divorce, consider getting additional help. Seeing a therapist can make it easier to deal with residual sadness and emotional pain, and if you’re not sure where you want to go from here, consider booking an appointment with a life coach. There may be an employee assistance program at your workplace that opens up additional resources to help you cope.
As you leave your divorce behind you and transition into a new stage in life, there will be highs and lows, but proper self-care can minimize the negatives associated with this stage. At the Law Office of Judith Delus, P.A., we will provide effective and compassionate legal advice during your Georgia divorce and help you seek a settlement that supports your future health and happiness. To schedule a consultation, contact us today.
Atlanta Family & Immigration Law. All rights reserved.
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